Poker Deck of Cards – Idaho County


In this Idaho County poker deck, 28 of the 56 cards feature prominent people who distinguished themselves during the first 60 years of Idaho County’s existence, as well as our county seats, four well-known mountains and plants of Idaho, and four early 1900 authentic Idaho County Free Press ads. Scan the QR Code on the deck or visit to read the brief biography of each person featured in the deck. In order to keep the deck as playable as possible, the rest of the cards are regular playing cards. This deck was created by Jerry Johnson d/b/a Raven’s Gambit, in part with the help of St. Gertrude’s Museum who secured a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council which made the project more affordable.



60 in stock



In this Idaho County poker deck, 28 of the 56 cards feature prominent people who distinguished themselves during the first 60 years of Idaho County’s existence, as well as our county seats, four well-known mountains and plants of Idaho, and four early 1900 authentic Idaho County Free Press ads. Scan the QR Code on the deck or visit to read the brief biography of each person featured in the deck. In order to keep the deck as playable as possible, the rest of the cards are regular playing cards. This deck was created by Jerry Johnson d/b/a Raven’s Gambit, in part with the help of St. Gertrude’s Museum who secured a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council which made the project more affordable.


Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 3 × 4 × 1 in


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